Just my 2 cents.......

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, January 01, 2015, 12:21 (3555 days ago) @ Otony

Different circumstances, my dear friend, different circumstances. My observation has more to do with the rampant "sex tourism" that besets those nations commonly believed to belong to a "third world" (never have seen but one world myself). Far too many guys have seen too many porn films and have the wrong attitude towards marriage and life in general. The ability to form a lasting relationship with a person much the junior of one's self is a matter of individual circumstances and personality traits and much, much more. What I see down here far too often is the idea that sex and money are the basis for a strong marriage, which belief is delusional and misinformed if not worse.

I maintain that when someone goes to a different country and culture and language and religion to "find true love" without understanding the culture, language, customs, religion, etc of the expected source of marital bliss - that person is delusional at best. That does not come near describing yourself and your lovely bride, both of whom share much more in values and general outlook on life than the people to whom I was referring.

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