Some years ago, I saw a billboard

by Charles, Thursday, July 17, 2014, 11:48 (3724 days ago) @ altejaeger

that read: "If you don't like Texas, the highway that brought you here will take you back where you came from.". Texans take a dim view of transplants who came here and then complain and carp about the place. It is probably a good indicator they made a mistake coming here in the first place. Texas is not for people who can't check their alien ways of thinking at the state line. Folks will never be happy anywhere as long as they are comparing it to a place they liked better.

My family came to Texas and fought the Mexicans and Comanche to make it an Independent Republic and then a State. We have ploughed six generations of blood, sweat and tears into Texas and we didn't do it for some foreigners to move in and want it to be like where they came from. Two months back, I heard a dark skinned fellow saying he missed the smells of India. We get a mite frosty when we hear that kind of stuff. I will let you intuit what I said to him.

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