It all depends...

by Charles, Sunday, July 13, 2014, 15:35 (3728 days ago) @ Dave B

on your point of view. I am a life long Texan and a life long shooter, so finding a place to shoot has never been much of an issue. There are plenty of gun clubs and private ranges, so that just isn't an issue.

Now if you are talking about a place to hunt, that is a different issue altogether. As stated, there is very little private land and most hunting is on a fee basis or a group of people have a hunting lease. I have never found this to be a burdensome concept and it is an important source of income for farmers and ranchers.

Frankly, I am not a fan of the public land thingie. I lived in New Mexico a couple of times and the public land hunting gives me the willies. There is no telling what idiot is out there watching you through a scope or willing to take a "sound shot". On hunting leases, you can be selective on who hunts there, where they are on any give day and careless people or drunks are given the boot. It is my opinion that hunting is Texas is safer than places with abundant public land.

Like I said, it all depends on your point of view. I am not the least bit envious of folks with lots of public land. It really isn't public anyway, the state or federal government is making all the rules and pulling all the strings.

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