Here in NM

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Monday, July 14, 2014, 13:14 (3727 days ago) @ Charles

We have drastically reduced the number of hunting accidents by the Hunter's Education requirement. I whole heartedly agree with the public land sentiment, being of the upper lower class(just kidding, I have no class), I am still thankful I do have public land to hunt, it is nearby, and costs me $5/year for the permit. I'm not sure how the average Joe will be able to afford to hunt in the future the way prices are going, being a disabled veteran, I do get a break in the cost of a license. My dream is to own enough property for a shooting range, hell I'd probably settle for an archery range, and enough to hunt deer, I fear elk will soon be beyond my budget. They are trying to make it so a guy with a Jeep can't get into the forest unless it's blacktop, the little 4 wheelers are in their sights as well. Fact is, more people equals more competition, we've still got room to grow, but at what expense, and around here, it's "where's the water".


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