I am a big fan of public hunting land...

by Brian A, Monday, July 14, 2014, 08:12 (3727 days ago) @ Charles

I live in the middle of at least a half million acres of public hunting land. Here in MI, even private land hunters have to abide by state harvest regulations for wild game and purchase a state hunting license. The only exception to that are totally enclosed facilities with privately bred animals. The problems of people doing stupid things on public lands has been greatly reduced since they started requiring all hunters to take hunter safety courses. In fact, it is exceedingly rare for anyone to be hurt by the careless acts of another during the hunting seasons, in spite of nearly 1 million licensed hunters being in the fields every year. The TSMS was held at a couple different locations on public land without issue and anyone from the public is welcome to shoot there throughout the year without any permits required, or fees charged, at all. I appreciate the benefits of hunting on private land and would love to some day be able to afford hunting land of my own, which could be managed as I see fit, but until than am grateful for the abundant public hunting lands here.

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