The rest of the world...

by JD, Western Washington, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 14:50 (3733 days ago) @ Paul
edited by JD, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 17:32

One question that I have is this: The Germans in WWII were no slouch in choosing their small arms. Most of their infantry weapons were the best in the world (though I consider the Garand superior to the K98). The germans would never have settled for second best and if something didn't work well, they developed something that did.... Yet they chose the 9mm Para over all the other rounds that were available at that time. If the 9mm had marginal performance you can bet that the Wehrmacht would have replaced it in a heart beat, yet they chose to keep it and even more made it one of their primary cartridges, second only to the 7.92 x 57. My question is why did they keep it if it was even remotely marginal?

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