I don't disagree with that logic at all....

by rob @, Monday, July 07, 2014, 19:33 (3734 days ago) @ Wildcat

And I have carried my 1911's with ball ammo and felt quite comfortable and I certainly wouldn't want to rely on a 9mm with ball ammo. I personally don't have any idea what the solution to this dilemma is but I know you aren't gonna please everyone. I was adamantly against the change from .45 to 9mm when that took place. But, after some warming up to the 92FS I can tell you it's a darn fine gun. Not perfect, but no gun is. I'll leave it at that...I was getting real political and had to delete several lines that would probably just get me in trouble:) I will say I love the .45 and was raised on it. I don't think it's complicated at all, nor do I think the 92 is either as that article implied. Some good pistol training might go a long way to resolving the issues...shot placement and knowing how to fight with a pistol is key. I personally would want a 1911 (no question about it) but I wouldn't want just any old 1911 either. Out of the box an XDm might be a much better solution. It will be interesting to see what they come up with. If it were me in charged of weapons appropriations I might hold off until we had a real American Pres but I'm getting political again...

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