The rest of the world...

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 13:31 (3733 days ago) @ rob

The rest of the world (the part I'm familiar with anyway) has VERY restricted access to guns of any kind and their concept is that the 38 is a BIG gun and the 9mm is even MORE BIG and anything over 38/9mm is OVERKILL. Although there are a few 45's around here there are no carry permits for them. They are a "sporting use only" weapon and ammo is VERY hard to come by. The 9mm is seen as a REAL gun as folks have nothing to compare it to except the anemic national 38 spl RNL at 650 or so out of a 4" barrel. So 9mm at over 1,000 fps out of a 4" pistol barrel is HOT STUFF - what more could you want? And, since folks shoot very little, the low recoil of the 9mm is heavy enough to keep 'em happy.

Plus there's the pistol as a "badge of authority" instead of a tool for permanently dissuading those who seek to disrupt what passes for civilized life. If it's only to be worn as a symbol of authority - what does it matter what caliber it is?

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