New service weapon...

by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:46 (3734 days ago) @ rob

Had a 2nd cousin in the 1st ID with my Dad during the second great misunderstanding. Bumps as he was called, was a bazooka man. Whilst clearing the City of Aachen, and while on the Cathedral steps where Charlemagne had been crowned, Bumps had a close encounter with a MP-40 armed Jerry, that promptly ran a burst up Bumps' leg. He caught 4 or 5 rounds going from just below the knee to dang close to the groin. Bumps managed to clear leather and kill the man with one round from his 1911 .45.

I never got to meet Bumps as he died from a heart attack while stationed in Vietnam but he and my Dad were like brothers. My Dad, now 88 has always kept a 1911 close, and told me once if you have to abide by the Geneva Convention, use a .45.

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