WAY OT, but this is the biggest nest of folks with know how

by StoneWolf, Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 08:58 (3852 days ago) @ MR
edited by StoneWolf, Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 09:02

I'm not familiar with that piece of equip but as long as it's not touchscreen plexiglass is the way to go if you can find it thin enough. The cd case plastic is prone to cracking and scratching. I'm an IT tech and have had to do a few similar repairs, you might also want to consider some way of sealing the edges so moisture can't get in as well. In the thinnest thicknesses an x-acto knife or similar razor type blade is enough but you must have a steady hand an make multiple passes. The main thing is trying to find something in as close to the same thickness as the factory screen, you might consider taking out the current screen and taking it with you to the store to compare.

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