Tactards... LE has them too

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Wednesday, October 09, 2013, 01:47 (4007 days ago) @ Todd C

During my 12 year hiatus from Patrol, I worked as a plainclothes investigator for a state prosecutor. I was new in the area but got to know a lot of cops pretty quick. Some of the smaller departments didn't have a dedicated range guy and when they found out I was an instructor, I got asked to host training/qualification events for them.

This also included their reserves and my first all day event for ______ PD landed on right a 98 degree day. Those are an ass-kicker for the RO and I wore a light summer shirt and straw hat. Two of their reserves show up in black BDU's, boonie hats and the works. I got the Chief aside and asked if they were tac guys... I knew it was going to be interesting when he laughed and said 'Watch those two!"

On the whistle, these boys would snatch their pistol, bend their knees and empty it regardless of the rounds specified for the stage. Targets looked like buckshot at 70 yards. I stood them off in the 'shoot over' corner, which annoyed them to no end, until they started following instructions and finally qualified. when we got to the shotgun stage, both of them brought 8 shot shotguns with single-point slings. It was all cool until I told the crew to head out to the 25 yard line. Both these gomers started duck-walking out to the line with their shotguns pointed at their feet.

I yelled "Muzzles downrange" and black-hat #1 says "I was taught to shoot TACTICALLY by an instructor who knew his stuff!- and keeps right on duck-walking. I blew the whistle and stopped the line, walked out there and said "You're done. Get your ass off my range." He glared at the Chief and I said "I won't tell you again."

We finished the qualification quite nicely without them.

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