I think I know that guy!

by Todd C @, Tuesday, October 08, 2013, 06:47 (4008 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I did a some walk thru drills with a group at a local range, of which most were prior service. One fellow there, (not prior service) showed up like a mall ninja with at least three Bowie knives strapped to various appendages, two bandoleers of magazines in criss-cross fashion over the chest. Complete with tricked out AK having every created "upgrade" which may have included the tactical PEZ dispenser somewhere. Multiple Glocks matched the locations of the knives, all in different calibers, so he could choose in an instant which round would be necessary for the situation.

It was interesting to say the least. I felt totally under dressed in just jeans and a tee shirt with a ball cap. ( no beret ):-D

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