We have one this weekend.

by cas, Tuesday, October 08, 2013, 11:36 (4008 days ago) @ Otony
edited by cas, Tuesday, October 08, 2013, 11:40

One local club has IDPA "style" matches every month ( we call them IPSC-Lite). But they don't require a cover garment.

My club is holding one this weekend... and we will need a concealment garment. My buddy is wearing his poncho and sombrero. (Though he's done that for a number of our matches. He was toying with shooing his 460 S&W too but I don't think he has the ammo).

I have a tactical tommy vest somewhere that I used to wear at work to carry tools.
But I'm thinking of going to the thrift store and picking up an old sport coat, m
something really gaudy if possible, or a plaid maybe. Then cutting the sleeves off it. :-D

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