At the beep........

by Murphy @, Tuesday, October 08, 2013, 20:58 (4007 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

A dear friend of mine (best man at my wedding) was a great shot. I worked up some scenario's at our local range just for fun & practice.

Our range was often empty, so the middle of the week you were almost sure to have it to yourself 90% of the time.

I introduced my friend to what a shooting timer is. He got all excited and couldn't wait to find out just how good he is. I haven't a clue what it was, but the second he heard the BEEP! About the only safe place to be was standing infront of the target.

We'd taken a friend with us one day to shoot. I set up a scenario from a seated position at the bench. The 1st target was 3 feet away, a full sized B27 that fit the target holder just perfect. I then proceeded to move my cleaning gear 10 feet away down the bench. It was a large tackle box with a good deal worth of money invested in all that it held inside. He asked why and I told him not to worry about it, just get ready.

The scenario was starting from a seated position while holding a soft drink can in your hand, fire 3 rounds and move back to cover and engage a target 8 yards out. Once the smoke cleared, he was telling our friend how much fun it was and now lets see what he scored.

I didn't know it was possible to miss a B27 3 times from 3 feet, but he managed to do just that. And, moving my cleaning gear proved to be a wise move. The shooting shed we were in had 15 positions. The posts that hold the front up were made of 4 X 4's. My cleaning kit had been sitting infront of one. Well, 6" up the post where my kit had been, was a nice, clean .45 Caliber hole. It had been sitting 2 feet to the right of the beginning position.

I still haven't figured that one out.........


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