BULLSHIT! DO NOT IN ANY WAY ENcourage this !!!

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, January 18, 2013, 20:27 (4273 days ago) @ Catoosa
edited by Rob Leahy, Friday, January 18, 2013, 20:32

Buy more and better ARs. belt fed. flame throwers,etc Why the heck can't we buy a MG42 with a suppressor in every state in the US??? RESIST TYRANNY don't bend to it.

"Throughout the United States, there are tens of millions of fully-armed citizens who are more than capable of defending themselves and their communities against any enemy–whether that enemy is an internal or external one. In fact, many millions of these citizens have been trained in the US armed forces. Firearms–especially semi-automatic rifles–in the hands of millions of American citizens is truly the only thing that stands between freedom and tyranny for the people of the United States. That Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein want to disarm the American people should be considered an act of war against our liberties! In other words, ladies and gentlemen, this is a line in the sand that none of us can afford to ignore."

I also wrote, "Make no mistake about it: to take away an American's right to a semi-automatic rifle is to FULLY DISARM HIM. There is no Second Amendment; there is no right to keep and bear arms; there is no citizen militia; there is no liberty without the semi-automatic rifle!" http://www.rightsidenews.com/2013011131745/life-and-science/culture-wars/revolution-lin...

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