Contemplating the Amish assault rifle concept...

by Catoosa, Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 23:03 (4274 days ago)

Dave B's post below brought something to mind. Since the Glorious Leader doesn't want us to have semiauto rifles anymore, wouldn't it be nice if some enterprising manufacturer, (say Ruger, perhaps) would come out with slightly scaled down (say about 7/8 scale) copy of the old Savage Model 99, with a 20-inch barrel, integral 10-round rotary magazine, in .223 Remington caliber. Choice of wood or synthetic stock, and drilled & tapped for an aperture sight or scope mounts. Make it short, light and handy, for a utility hunting, varmint control, and home defense gun.

A .223 levergun - I'd buy one, and I don't even need it!

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