
by Byron, Thursday, January 17, 2013, 18:14 (4274 days ago) @ stonewalrus

There are many variables in bullet performance in the .223/5.56mm and the most important is velocity. To some degree, more or less, your choice should take that into consideration. Velocity will be affected by range and barrel length. With that in mind, do you shoot a full length 20" musket or a 14.5/16" M4gery.

From my very limited experience with the round when shooting thin skinned, finely boned animals under 200 kilos pretty much anything will get the job done within as long as velocy is maintained over 2700fps.

There is nothing wrong with real milspec m193 out of a full length rifle. Within a couple of hundred yard it will fragment violently and with a solid body shot the expected will happen quickly.

SS109/M855 green tip is cussed by many but a search of a police shooting data base show 283 shootings and 272 one shot drops for an average of 96%. Be aware that this shooting are in a police setting where range is often across the room and almost never more that 50 yards. Much of the complaints against green tip are from chaotic military shootouts where it is unclear as to if the bad guy was truely hit, regardless of the statements of "I emptied a clip right into him." When shooting is in excess of 100 yards from short barrels the green tip will often be found wanting.

The federal prison here in Leavenworth issues both IMI m192 and 40 grain Federal Blitz ammo and reports a 100% success rate when shooting convicts across the yard.

CHP has uses the WW 64gr Powerpoint for decades with no complaints.

The only round which should never be considered for this purpose is any of the steel cased Russian ammo. It is loaded to a lower than spec velocity and the jackets are so heavy that it will never fragment at any velocity.

Personally, I do not see the need for the uber high zoot tactical $2.00 a round bullets. Again as long as velocity is over 2700fps most anything will get the job done.


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