Brooks County Texas

by jgt, Wednesday, January 02, 2013, 21:09 (4289 days ago) @ Charles

I can agree with not wish anyone a long agonizing death. I also believe that not all people, wetback or otherwise fall into the catagory of morally bad people but enough are to make life miserable and there is still no getting around the fact that each and every one of them are criminals. They are engaging in illegal entry into our country. That is why it is so offensive when people to try to defend their activity.

There is nothing I am pointing out that is new news, the staggering cost of health care to cover the extra eleven million uninsured, clogged emergency rooms, over burdened welfare cost, lack of affordable housing in the lower income bracket, clogged highways, the collateral effects go on and on exponentially. No matter if every one of them could walk across the Rio Grande on water we still can not accommodate them.

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