
by Charles, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 12:29 (4290 days ago) @ Byron

I grew up hip and thigh with Mexicans from both sides of the river, both legal and illegal. I still live in the same culture with the same mix of people.

After 70 years of this, I think I am safe in saying that these folks are a cross section of humanity. Some are salt of the earth, hard working folks with good values and some are not worth the powder and shot to kill them.

In other words, they are about like everybody else, including those of us who consider us to be good law abiding Americans.

Whenever we dump any group of people into one box and put a label on it that says "them", then all we do is just show our ignorance. I consider myself fortunate to grow up and live in a bi-cultural, bi-lengual society, it keeps me honest. Some of the Mexican folks don't hold Americans in high regard. Some of their feelings and thoughts are just pure prejudice and some of it is based on real facts. As a blanco/gringo/American I just deal with them as individuals. That is what I want them to do with me. You will go nuts down here, if you don't do that. Accept the good folks no matter the culture and language and disregard the ignorant and bad also with no regard to culture and language. Works for me.

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