Brooks County Texas

by jgt, Wednesday, January 02, 2013, 10:25 (4289 days ago) @ bpjon

I grew up in south Texas. I have been a victim of the darker side of the wetbacks that come here. I don't feel the need to go into it or to justify my feeling toward them but to say they are all hardworking folks just trying to better things for their family is a misnomer. The biggest lie perpitrated in the debate on them being here is that they are just doing jobs American's are too lazy to do. They are pawns in the hands of unscrupulous business people who perpitrate all mannor of fraud on them and the rest of us, but that would take a book to cover. My view is from experience and not some conjured up image. Still bottom line is they are lawbreaker from the get-go. The operitive word in illegal alian is illegal. Lots of otherwise nice folks committ crimes, but we still enforce our laws against them.

Today we have reached the point were we can not afford to turn a blind eye to the problem. We don't have the water, highways, housing, jobs, or economy to support the millions that want to come; and that says nothing about the national security issue. Since this is my honest feeling, yes I would say it in church.

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