Brooks County Texas

by Charles, Monday, December 31, 2012, 14:10 (4291 days ago)

Brooks County Texas is one of my favorite places. Almost no towns and large ranches of pure brush. I had a deer lease there for many years. The Border Patrol has a checkpoint about ten miles south of Falurrias (County Seat) on Hwy. 281. They pick up more drugs there than any other check point in the US.

The coyotes/human smugglers walk the illegals for days in the brush to get around the checkpoint. If anybody lags behind, they are left without food or water and often die in the brush. This year they have found 67 bodies in the brush in Brooks County. That is double the 2011 total.

While they are catching fewer of them at the Border, they seem to be coming over in record numbers. The Mexican Cartels have taken over the human smuggling racket and they are better organized and more effective the the independent coyote, which are now gone, killed or working for the cartels.

I can't think of a worse way to die than wandering around lost in the brush for days before dying of hunger, thirst or exposure. The county has installed 911 repeaters and emergency signals to help those who get lost. Many more are being rescued, but still they die in record numbers.

So much for the million dollar a mile border fence.

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