First aid kit; lighter; petrolatum; cash

by brionic @, Monday, August 20, 2012, 22:21 (4425 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I assume you are making a "get home" bag. Your kit is determined by your needs - weather, strife, natural disaster, etc. A daybag sized pack is key for storing/carrying your gear.

Back in olden days, when I worked in high rise buildings, I also kept an emergency radio, flashlights+extra batteries, change of clothing, gloves/hat, maps, hefty bags, and about 180' of rope and 550 cord. Certain less palatable and duplicate items were stored in the trunk of my vehicle, which only was useful when I drove to work.

This style of kit kept me comfortable, safe, and equipped through the L.A. riots, the '93 Old Topanga fire, the '94 earthquake, and the '97 North Hollywood shootout. Those were exciting times for a young, single guy in El Lay.

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