mini bug out bag for office

by stonewalrus, Monday, August 20, 2012, 21:35 (4425 days ago)
edited by stonewalrus, Monday, August 20, 2012, 21:40

I'm toying with assembling a "shoebox size" BOB for my office (firearms excluded). Toying with ideas and open for suggestions. If things get bad, wife has car and I might have to hoof it a ways to get to her and it would also be nice to have a few general purpose tools around.

I'm thinking multi-tool, fixed blade knife (not too large), compass, some small wrench/socket set set,bottled water, energy bars?
I do have a small machete (12") in my desk drawer and a multi-tool and two flashlights in my regular carry bag and I'm always carrying heavy duty pepper spray.

IF I have an early warning, I will have the car parked next to my building and there WILL be some of my "friends" in it.

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