The .22 will do it.

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, March 09, 2025, 18:31 (3 days ago) @ JimT

I was heading for town with a Jeep load of folk one time, after I blew the barrel on the Ruger Old Army and before I picked up the Rossi 38 - so was relatively unarmed. Saw a rattler crossing the road just in front of us, and real close to a habitation. Typically I'll leave serpents alone, if they don't startle me, but not near human habitation. I stopped the Jeep and said, "Erasmo, loan me your pistol." He hemmed and hawed but I promised to replace his loads with some of my US sourced stash so he handed me his little 22. Can't remember if it was a Rossi or Taurus but he always carried it. I proceeded to miss 4 out of 5 shots from around 6 to 8 feet, the last shot grazing the side of the rattler's head and throwing it into contortions. I had to finish it off with a machete, not exactly a fun procedure with an upset and jumpy reptile. What I wouldn't have given for another load of ammo - and a better pistol! Several weeks later I saw him again, back out in his regular stomping grounds and asked to see his pistol again. From a rest at about the same distance I couldn't keep the shots on a knot on the side of a log, the knot being about the size of the rattler's head. The barrel was corroded inside from lots of carrying and sweating and not enough oil and maintenance! Many think I'm odd (not necessarily wrong there, I'll admit) but I REALLY don't like to head to the woods with less than a box of spare ammo. The only time you've got too much ammo is if you've got to swim and it's pulling you under!

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