I don’t mean to brag…..

by Otony, Thursday, May 02, 2024, 19:57 (224 days ago) @ JD

…..but I am soooo allergic that I take antihistamines every day, use two different inhalers, plus one nasal spray, and regularly rinse my sinuses. I finally discontinued my monthly allergy shots because after so many years I plateaued, which is quite common.

Still allergic and still suffering, unfortunately, so it really isn’t bragging.

When we travel to the coast we usually take 84 alongside the Columbia River. By the time we reach Multnomah Falls I began to feel changes, and when we hit the beach I am tremendously relieved. The reverse, however, is just as apparent. Sometime after passing Biggs on our way east, it is as though I flipped a light switch. I start to feel badly in an instant.

I’m glad you are making the escape to Idaho. I had considered Wyoming, and believe it or not, before Covid hit we were preparing to visit Malta with a mind towards immigration.

The family I have left in Sicily would have been a couple of hours away by ferry boat, and my wife’s family in Russia would have been around three hours away by plane. I might be Sicilian, but living is better in Malta!


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