That's the kind of show that I miss. (nt)

by A K Church, Monday, August 21, 2023, 14:14 (395 days ago) @ JimT

I made a flying run to Sedalia MO once to buy a Model 25 Winchester. The shotgun was located for me by Cas, who lived on Long Island NY. Sometimes the world is amazingly flat.

The seller mentioned in passing that there was a little gunshow in Stover MO, and the last one he went to was small but good. It was not far out of my way on the return.

The door was $5, there were about 25 tables, and they all were good. Bought a fair few gun parts, some all brass new 12G cases, several uncommon nostalgic knives, .22WRF new ammo, a dozen or so items in total. The guy I was with, ditto.

AND the ladies from the local Catholic parish were selling food, genuinely homemade, and the sort of stuff only rural older German descent ladies could ever make. My hands and my belly were both full.

A 25 or less table show may be the best one I ever saw.

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