Back in '98...

by Paul ⌂, Friday, February 03, 2023, 09:18 (595 days ago) @ JimT

we spent a few months just south of Sheldon, not too far off of US 71. We were loaned the use of an old farm house and did a bit of fixing up on it. A storm blew in from the north and that's when we found that the foundation did nothing to protect the plumbing under the house. Had to go rent a kerosene heater to thaw the pipes, which didn't burst - thankfully.

Anyway, we also got a lovely ice storm. It was amazing to see how the ice sheathed everything and when the sun finally broke through it was like we were in a crystal universe. Absolutely amazing beauty was everywhere. We didn't lose power but did learn to be extra careful when perambulating outdoors. I didn't realize how quickly one's feet can "reach for the sky" and was thankful for the heavy coat that took up much of the impact.

And weird as it seems to some, I really miss the changing seasons and the beauty that each brings with it.

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