Nao Energia

by JimT, Texas, Wednesday, February 01, 2023, 21:42 (596 days ago)

Our power went off around 2 this afternoon. At 8pm it is still off. Our power company has notified all customers that it may be days until power is restored. Power lines are down in many place and friends have called and reported roads closed due to power lines down across them. Statewide nearly 350,000 people are without power. The weather service says that freezing rain will move in early tomorrow. Since we already have a half inch of ice on everything here where I am, it don't look like it will get better any time soon. We don't have any big limbs broken off ... yet. More freezing rain will change that.

We are preparing to be without power for a week or more. We are on generator power and have plenty of firewood to heat with. We can pump our well with the generator so we are not having it bad. Inconvenient to our fairly soft American lifestyle would probably describe it. What is nicer this time than when we had the Great Texas Snowpocalypse is that temperatures are staying around 30 and there is no 40 mph wind. The house stays a lot warmer easier with no wind. For which we are grateful.

This is really hard on those who are not prepared for such things. It is possible we will have a family or two with us in the next day or so. We have the room and it is nice to have extra hands to haul firewood and help clean up.

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