Nao Energia

by Brien @, NWArkansas, Thursday, February 02, 2023, 11:56 (596 days ago) @ JimT

We went through this several years ago. An ice storm caused trees and limbs to cut the power and block the road out to the highway. We were without power for five days. We did have a wood stove and plenty of wood. My wife cooked pinto beans and other meals on the wood stove and kept a pot of water hot 24/7. After 3 days a friend brought a small generator which kept lights refrigeration and batteries charged. Though we live outside of town, we have city electric, water and gas. We did upgrade to a larger portable generator which has been used several times in the past. A few months ago after the rolling blackouts last year we installed a whole house generator which has run once a few weeks ago. The neighbors have a well that our portable generator can power. I have portable solar panels to charge batteries in case everything else fails. I do get the panels out once a month to charge the backup batteries and run the portable generator to make sure everything is still working. The whole house generator self tests once a week. If you keep your supplies in stock, rotate them and replace them before you run out you will be in good shape most of the time. Don't forget water. A battery powered radio is needed as a minimum for information. We have a tv antenna and pole to put up for entertainment.

For those that are having troubles now, I wish you well hope services return and road clearing happen soon.

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