Not sure how many you’d count these as. 1 and 2/2’s?

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Saturday, August 27, 2022, 15:41 (755 days ago) @ JimT

FieT one was totally my fault and totally a negligent discharge. Kind of like Arch’s bug killer, but different. I shot CAS at the time and a new girlfriend wanted to see me in my getup. I put all my stuff on including the fancy silk bromate vest and cross deal
Holster and shoulder rig. I forgot the other revolver but one of them was n 1875 Remington copy in .45 Colt. I didn’t have a ton of guns at the time so all stood duty as ‘home defense’ guns. Meaning all were loaded and yes; I knew that…

They moth came out of hiding (fully loaded) and got put into holsters. Both were quick drawn a few times and hammers let down under control. For some reason the last time, the ‘75 Remington was ‘dry fired’ but not so dry…

A 250 gr Winchester silver tip blasted into the plaster wall of my 1860’s apartment and blew about a 6” hole in the plaster and bounced along the hardwood floor towards us. I looked at her and she looked at me and I basically said “oh shit!” I changed out of my cowboy duds and we hightailed it out of there for a few hours. I still have that slightly expanded hollow point on a small box somewhere.

The second (1/2) was when a buddy and I were shooting one day. He was testing out a 1911 of mine. He came over to me with it with the slide picked back saying something about it being jammed. In my head, I assumed that since he was giving me a semi with the slide locked back, it was empty. I hit the slide release and had it pointing mostly down range and dropped the hammer. It off course went ‘bang’. Both of us were kind of surprised. Him because I did sometbing so stupid and me because I assumed it was empty! Luckily it was printed down range and no harm was done.

The other half was when I was fitting a set of laminated grips to a well worn and abused Nazi Markwd. Biffed and plated Walther PPK in .32 acp. I thought I had everything good to go and so at the end of the night I skipped a loaded mag in the gun and racked the slide. When it dropped, it got loud! I guess I hadn’t sanded the grips down enough and it was dragging on the trigger bar some and let the sear skip past. Luckily it must have jarred it into place and it didn’t dump the whole mag! At the time, I was living with my brother and was working out in his detached garage. It took a couple of seconds but I realized his fishing boat was parked outside the garage, right in my ‘line of fire’. I went outside and looked and could t find any holes. He never complained of taking on water so I let it drop…

Since those days, I’ve handled many more guns and many more times so I guess I’m lucky I’ve had no more notable accounts….


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