
by Gunner @, St Louis, Saturday, August 27, 2022, 09:22 (755 days ago) @ JimT

Anyone who has been around firearms long enough will have at least the old saying "it's not if but when"

1) practicing single shot draws with a 1911 45 acp, got a little ahead of myself during the draw and my left hand got in front of the muzzle, bullet left a grease mark on the inside of my ring finger.

2) Got a little cocky doing fast draws with a 1.2 lb trigger pull 41 Magnum revolver and put a 210gr JHP besides my pinky toe of my right foot, so close I had to roll my foot to the left slightly to see the full diameter of the impact hole :-(

3) Shooting a USPSA/IPSC Area 3 championship match, sent a 45 acp round over the downrange berm during a reload. It was 27 deg, my hands were numb due to the cold and I slammed the magazine home which it turn made my trigger finger bounce against the trigger. Immediately stopped, unloaded and showed clear to the range officer. Went home after 2 stages of a 10 stage, 2 day match.

Lessons learned......never go faster than you are capable of being safe, don't try to play John Wayne with 1.2 lb trigger SA revolver and don't shoot action match with cold/numb hands.


41 Mags rule, Baers rock!

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