No children to leave them to either

by Bob Hatfield @, Monday, November 12, 2018, 04:26 (2140 days ago) @ Norm

Probably give a few to the wife's grandkids. They call me "Paw Paw Bob" anyway. I have sold a bunch in the last year and a half. But dagnammit a Springfield Armory Mod 2 3.3 45 caught my eye several months ago and dang it hurt to shoot. So what did I do? I loaded a 200 grain Berry's hollow point over 5 grains of Bullseye and it is perfect. Shoots dead on accurate at 25 yards straight to the POA. Well I digress. Wait I was at a gun store recently and couldn't pass up a Thompson Center Compass in .308. Little did I know these things shot so well. Then last spring I bought a Ruger American in 7.62 x 39. I'll swear everyone who makes these eventually quits making them and I'll have one for sale. Little did I know they shot so well even with Russian steel case! I will stop digressing.

Back to the subject of getting rid of my guns. Seems I sell 10 and buy 3. I do dislike getting rid of ARs and AKs. Seems as bad as I hate to say this someday a liberal congress might just enact something that will allows the price of these to skyrocket and then sell. Then again I should leave them to the wife's grandkids so they can use them against the purple haired hordes.

I do still love using and tinkering with them though and I think and hope until the day I die I will cherish the anticipation that goes along with buying a new gun and dies and brass and going to the range and trying it out.


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