Guns and leather

by Byron, Tuesday, November 06, 2018, 18:02 (2146 days ago) @ Norm


Amazing how time change. I have been here since the days and have enjoyed the presents of this board through both very good times and very very sad times.

It has been an honor.

This has been on my mind for the past year. Recently my attention has been on my BP and prostate instead of CrossFit and pistols.

Through luck and a lot of hard work I have been blessed with an affluence that allowed me to experience much. During which I acquired some custom revolvers that in the proper circle would be considered to be something really special.

There is a matched set of 5.5" Ruger Bisley revolvers marked in part "Cody, Wyoming"... A .22 RF SS, .32 H&R Mag SS, .32 Mag/.32-20 convertible, .357, .44, .45 and .475 Linebaugh Mag just taking up space in the safe.

A stack of wonderful Dave Clements revolvers as well. Lots more.

Regretfully, I haven't shot any of them in years. A shame how priorities change.

A post about a .30M1 Carbine Clements Custom for possible sale recently did not receive a single response which surprised me greatly.

Time is not kind.



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