Guns and leather

by Catoosa, Tuesday, November 06, 2018, 09:37 (2210 days ago) @ Norm

I have a treasured little S&W Terrier that I rescued from a pawnshop some years ago. The shop owner said a kid brought it in to sell, saying it belonged to his father and his mother didn't want it in the house after the man died. This gun was accompanied by a well-worn IWB holster of excellent quality and showed the effects of MANY years of carry (bluing much worn) but was clean as a pin and had obviously been well cared for.

Every time I stick that little gun in my pocket (which is frequently)I wonder about the man who owned it. Was he a cop who carried it as a BUG? A jeweler or pharmacist who carried it to protect his business and his life? What stories could this hunk of wood and steel tell if it could talk? I will never know, and the man's family members obviously didn't care. I will take good care of it as long as I last, and hopefully it will get passed on in a more proper manner when I am gone.

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