actually have fair experience with HUDs, but

by former hater of plastic, Tuesday, July 03, 2018, 23:23 (2272 days ago) @ ERSisk

still thought the generic LED powered ones used the cheapo laser principal to project the dot on the screen, as none of these things have HUD or windshield overhang above a display or dot or light pipe. Learn something useless and new every day.

Hate batteries and delicate circuit cards and switches, and have a dodged them to this day with the exception of the IR scope, which is nothing but a glorified digicam with display, and there was simply no way around it.... and solid state and fairly rugged even in cheap cameras....and still went IR to avoid more limited service life and delicacy of amplification tubes.

That IR scope was the most expensive, stupid, and totally comforting gun related thing ever bought. Most times not even on a gun, but when I hear noises or neighboring dogs going nuts at night, can just bop outside and simply look to see what is going on, to detail that 4 houses down in dark fenced front yard, the big lab is barking into the dog house with tail wagging and trying to get the long hair chihuahua to come out and play, and all the other dogs are telling it get out and play, too.

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