Am not even sure how that even works,

by former hater of plastic, Monday, July 02, 2018, 00:26 (2274 days ago) @ ERSisk

unless one pane angled to reflect light pipe. For me, the loss of light through a dot/tube or "holographic" is a non-starter as a low light sight, unless target illuminated.

True optics which have at least as much light available as my pupil can dialate to receive, is what mine own eyes crave.

Going by your other post, much more works for you than me. Even most aperatures a dud, especially low light, but, even in ideal lighting, many classics give strange distorsion around periphery of the aperature.

A happy exception, as for objectionable problems, anyhow, are military peeps, such as used since WWII. Those work for me, but whether the aperature, or mounting distance, or both, or neither, I have not a clue, and no pressing desire to solve riddle, as fat lot of good it would do.

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