had just mentioned the other day, to a friend...

by former hater of plastic, Sunday, July 01, 2018, 22:05 (2274 days ago) @ ERSisk

I still have to go back to a Gun Digest article which dates itself to this inexact title recollection of a .35 Rem Marlin owner/writer...."A $700 Scope On A $200 Rifle?", where he got again the leverbug, arrived home with his yellow wood NOS dusty prize, and was informed by wife that Mr Generous had given the K4 away to brother-in-law, and all he had available at the moment was a prized Zeiss, to which he held his nose and tried...which turned out a marriage made in heaven for all those failing light hunts in winter woods and they unaided eye could not even make out late browsing deer in the gathering gloom.

Have always remembered that article, mainly as he rightly pointed out that of all the lever actions, one had to add a scope to Winchester, with great strangeness, while the Marlin was shipped MADE for a scope, of which 90% always are scoped, because scopes DO help, and in just the places one buys a lever action to hunt.

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