had a similar "service" experience with a knifemaker

by former hater of plastic, Sunday, April 22, 2018, 21:41 (2344 days ago) @ Hobie

a famous folder maker, where I had bought two each of their major sellers, and old style and new improved version. Found much to commend in beef-ups, but much that simply made the newer version contradict a former touted point of their designs making them easier to operate, several ergo good points were lost in making improvements elsewhere, and, all in all, found myself liking the older design over newer, which is not good for a company trying to make a major shift.

So, I fired off an email which started by saying it was simply totally unsolicited customer feedback, and what a random customer found, for consideration by their design team with whatever other feedback and collation, etc.

I received a lengthy reply from a senior shop floor guy (I looked him up), who wrote back in several paragraphs for each point of his, that I had so many great ideas, that perhaps I should start my own knife company, as I obviously knew more than their legendary founder and etc etc.

My reply was that they now had my utmost admiration for joining the rarefied ranks of Strider and Mad Dog knives in customer relations. And that although I had recently purchased four of their high zoot knives for examination, with plans to buy a large number for professional associates after making my decision on which would serve them best in their duties, that his helpful reply had made me see that money was far more needed at the (competing knifemaker) Charity Fund. And then I simply questioned what sort of customer service was he, anyhow?

I received a reply which seemed to start off apologetically, but after being suckered in by sweet opening words on the last one, it was deleted unread after attaching an invoice in reply for a large purchase from another maker, whose product is better, anyhow, and whose product is clipped in my waistband even as I type.

So, things work out in the end. As for what is happening, this is a generation accustomed to life on social media, attacking one another in a shark frenzy, especially since media outlets decided to start giving actual weight to anonymous internet attacks as if valid statistical samples, and these folk treat every communication as a rating on a facebook page of personal attack upon them. And all that matters is them, in this MEist generation of all recorded history.

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