That's a tough one to swallow for sure.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, November 03, 2016, 06:46 (2880 days ago) @ ~JM~

Like just about everyone else, there's been friends and acquaintances who have 'gone 'round the bend' in one way or another. Some fatally, for others it was just a detour.

I have long believed that a person is responsible for their actions and decisions and that no one else can take up any blame or credit. This helps me. Not to say one is powerless to help another, as I've personally experienced that miracle as well. I had a very dear friend who had issues with alcohol. I spent countless hours trying to console and council them. I prayed hard to find the right words and reactions to the situation. In the end, it turned into one of the 'detours' mentioned above.

Yet, I do not pat myself on the back for this recovery. I told them all along, "It's your decision. Change and be happy or keep going and be miserable." My part was only to stand there with my hand out.

I am very sorry that your friend chose the path he did. Please do not beat yourself up for his actions. You can be sad. You can be angry. You can wonder why. You cannot take responsibility.

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