Struggling With A Serious Problem...

by ~JM~, Wednesday, November 02, 2016, 18:20 (2881 days ago)

Many years ago, in a previous life... I operated a small town business. I met many folks from all over the Country through my business.

One of them, was a guy about my age who was a reporter for the local newspaper. He was assigned to cover an event that I was promoting. We kind of got along & began to hang out a bit. Went to a couple of watering holes, went plinking, even had me over for dinner with his wife & two small children once.

One day he came by & told me that he was moving east to take a job at a big paper. We e-mailed a few times after he moved. Shortly thereafter, I also moved & we lost contact.

For some reason I started thinking about him this morning & decided to look him up on the I'net.

I found him.

Somehow his world went bad. He went on a shooting spree & killed some innocent people before the police put him out of his misery. It sounds like he was deeply affected by 9/11 & was located close to the towers when they came down. His personal & professional life went downhill in the years that followed.

I'm having a tough time digesting this information.


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