My first qualification

by mcassill, Saturday, July 30, 2016, 08:26 (2977 days ago) @ bob

I shot expert with a couple of those ancient M16a1s; they were certainly accurate enough for the job.
Your comment about "pencil qualifications" drew a laugh. On my visit to Ft Bragg EVERYBODY had to qualify before we could get the heck out of there. I had coached a female E4 from Corps Finance through qualifying Sharpshooter with an unzeroed rifle using Kentucky windage, but we had some Navy personnel who couldn't hit the broad side of anything for love nor money. On about their fifth trip out to the firing line the solution ended up being a fat old Infantry captain on the adjacent firing point knocking down targets for them. Fast forward a couple of months downrange, and these Navy folks were serving as my battalion commander's security detail. Fortunately they never got into anything serious...

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