My first qualification

by bob, Thursday, July 28, 2016, 20:03 (2978 days ago) @ Byron

was with an International Harvester M-1, no feed problems except the time I tried to chamber my thumb!
My second was at the Benning School for Boys with an H&R M-14; despite the allegations of wandering zero due to stock problems, I fired an Expert.
The third qualification was with an early issue M-16 at Ft. Lewis just before I left to go to Defense Language School; I was proud to hear a SFC say, 'It's nice to see an Officer qualify without the help of a #2 Lead Pencil"!
In the RVN the 'old timers' on the Advisory Team made sure the FNG's understood that you must run a 16 (or CAR 15) WET. Only prob I encountered was when marking the strike zone for a Black Pony strike with a 20 round mag of tracers when my Warrant Officer Pilot took me to task for sprinkling the cabin of the Bird Dog with brass. No one EVER told me spent cases could jam the control cables!

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