no design is perfect...

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Thursday, July 28, 2016, 16:17 (2978 days ago) @ Byron

Regardless of the claims by the manufacturer (cough cough Glock...) but there are a lot of fine fighting rifles out there. I have quite a few AR's and like them all, none being the same as another. All mechanical designs have faults, otherwise there would only be one toaster, drill, car or rifle. The AR is one of the longer running military designs, though I sometimes wonder if that isn't more due to politics than design. I love my FAL and like my AK's, but the AR is one of the more ergonomic and easy shooting guns I have.

On a side note, I've never heard of the 7th round feeding issue, but then again I've never gotten around to owning a Garand!


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