How many of you have 1911's in 9mm and...

by Catoosa, Saturday, July 16, 2016, 21:30 (2990 days ago) @ rob

Many years ago I acquired a late-60s vintage Colt Commander in 9mm. For a lot of the years between then and now it was the only centerfire handgun I owned, and me and it went down some long roads together. We both show a good bit of wear now, but the old Colt is still a favorite of mine, and it would likely be one of the last handguns I would part with. As an EDC pistol, it is VERY hard to beat - light, compact, and with adequate power for most any reasonable purpose.

I now feed my old Commander from a carefully hoarded supply of Federal Nyclad HPs because they are one of the few hollow points that don't gouge the soft alloy feed ramp. If I ever HAD to replace it, a Ruger would probably get the nod because of the stainless/alloy construction and titanium feed ramp insert. I'm sure the Ruger would handle any of the new-generation 9mm loads that make the nine a much better defense round than it used to be.

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