It's been a while...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, April 30, 2012, 11:26 (4538 days ago) @ Otony

back when we lived in Brazil I built my own bike from a Monark frame. It was built for ruggedness to the best of my ability, using what parts we could get. It had a coaster brake, not common down there, heavy duty spokes and I always ran the best tires I could on it. Parts were iffy so always carried spares when out and about in the backwoods. It was great, you see a lot of wild life that you'd not see otherwise. A good bike can be quieter than walking.

Now? We live in a city of half a million with no regard for human life and no safe lanes for biking. I'd have to carry the bike way up to ???? to find some place relatively safe for riding. So it's been a while since I did much with one. Currently have a chinese frame with Shimano gears and hardware. Would like a better frame to put my sub-assemblies on but with no where to ride it'd be a waste of money.

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