Commuter -- 10 miles a day, enough to...

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Monday, April 30, 2012, 10:07 (4538 days ago) @ woody

keep the 'health numbers' good. BP 100 over 45, Resting pulse 42, cholesterol & sugar better than good. 60+ pounds off in four years. Under 180 on 6' frame. Had really good motivation, tho. The docs said I'd be an amputee and then dead: always a good prompt, that.

Pretty much year round, so winter riding really burns the calories just keeping warm. Discovered Finnish studded snow bike-tires a few years ago, and they really add stability and traction on ice or in deeper snow. This year it was so mild I never put them on.

I run an old Trek cross-trainer that takes 1 3/8 by 700 tires, and think they are marginal for the studded biz. They get by, but will throw or tip the studs under some conditions. More width and a 'meatier' tread would be better.

Once worked a couple of years as a mechanic in bike shop while I was learning my antique-repair trade, and it's still my old alma mater for parts, etc. Bikies can be some good folks.

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