(without looking) more than likely it does

by bj @, Tuesday, April 19, 2016, 19:55 (3078 days ago) @ Hoot

I seem to remember someone loading commercial ammo for the Redhawk with a fairly long nose bullet in .44Mag, something that wouldn't fit in any other gun.

But I've also read that you can put "Ruger-only" .45 Colt loads in the FA97 and those can be fairly long. If those will fit then just about any .41Mag should fit.

The FA97 models that I've felt do seem to have fairly small grips.

I was doing a little looking to try to correlate the recoil difference between .41Mag and .44Mag. The .41Mag seems most popular with 210-220 grain bullets, while the .44Mag is popular with 240 grain bullets. Not much difference in recoil there. On the low end I found .41 bullets in 170 grains and .44 bullets in 180 and 220 grains. I suppose if you wanted a big bore with low recoil you could load 180 grain bullets in .44 mag. I went on to search for performance ammo from BuffaloBore and found that in the common bullet weight ranges there is very little difference in ballistics between .41 and .44. The .44 just offers the option to use significantly heavier bullets.

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