mine is a real short list

by bj @, Sunday, April 17, 2016, 13:19 (3081 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

For some reason I got interested in .357 Herrett. I know I've got some formed brass around here somewhere, just have to find it.

For a long time I've been interested in .41 Mag. I have a theory I wanted to prove and that is that the .41 Mag is a fairly new invention and doesn't have any legacy manufacturing to hold it back. In other words there is no reason a .41 Mag would have chamber dimensions, throat dimensions or bore dimensions that were holdovers from older cartridges, so it should be more accurate. But then maybe the manufacturers just have poor attention to detail. The other thing that occurs to me is that the .41 Mag is close to .44 Mag but the guns chambered for it should be stronger. A S&W N-frame that is on the edge of heavy wear due to .44 Mag loads should be happier when chambered in .41 Mag. Especially something like the scandium version of the model 57. (I think it is ambiguous to refer to it as the model 357.) And this cartridge offers a high velocity option in the Freedom Arms 97. On the other hand I don't quite see the point to a .41 Mag in a bigger gun such as the Ruger Blackhawk or Redhawk, or Freedom Arms 83. They handle .44 Mag and hot loads in .45 Colt so well that one of those guns in .41 Mag is not achieving the potential of the platform. Unfortunately a S&W or Freedom Arms in .41 mag is pretty pricy just to play with to prove a theory.

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