FA 97 recoil?

by Gunner @, St Louis, Monday, April 18, 2016, 21:48 (3079 days ago) @ bj

Yes it will recoil, little bugger can get down right nasty with stout loads, awesome trail/woods bum around handgun but for range work a Blackhawk or M83 is much more pleasant though nothing beats a 7 1/2" Redhawk, very mild recoil with heavy loads.

As for the short Blackhawk vs M97.....I could do a range session with a 4 5/8" Blackhawk without thinking about recoil but with the M97 it was a concern after a few rounds. I think it was mainly due to the smaller grips especially at the top just below the hammer, that area that would dig into your hand with stout loads.

I took my first deer using the 5 1/2" M97 in 41 Magnum hunting with Jim Taylor. Jim even used my hunt picture for his article on the Freedom M97 in Gun Week.



41 Mags rule, Baers rock!

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