Had a similar thing happen at Naval Station Mayport..

by pokynojoe, Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 12:25 (3114 days ago) @ rob

not too long after 9/11. My niece was getting married in the chapel on the base and my wife and I were staying at the Navy Inn on the base. After driving all day, I forgot I had a revolver in my glove compartment. When we got there, they searched my car, and the inevitable happened.

I had to call my brother-in-law, at that time he was a Captain and the XO on the Kennedy at the time. I got him up in the middle of the night, he had to get dressed and come over to the base. He was pretty pissed at me, and I kind of felt sorry for the guard. I don't know what happened but they were holding us in a separate room, and after he came out. The guard apologized, I told him it was my dumb ass fault, and I'd make it right. They kept the revolver while I was staying at the Inn, and gave it to me when I left to come home.

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